Tuesday, October 20, 2009

TWA? and other random thoughts

Honestly today, I don't feel like doing anything with my hair. I applied my MT and some grape seed oil and a little Cantu Shea Butter Leave In and that's good enough. My hair is still so short, there's not much for me to do with it. It's not fade short, but I'm not sure if it qualifies as a TWA. Maybe a TWA mini/jr. (lol) I'm about to hit these hair forums hard today (LHCF and BHM) and find some inspiration. I'll blog again later.
REWIND: Okay, I see that I was in no mood to really blog this morning about my hair. I am in a better mood at the moment. Last night, I was combing through my hair and noticed a shimmer. At first I was like, 'oh this is just some lint or something'. Then, I combed through again and it was still there. I took the comb and parted my hair to try to see what in the world...OMG it was a GREY HAIR and attached to MY scalp. I started crying ya'll. My first grey baby (lol). I didn't pull it out either, I plan to let it grow as long as it wants to. Enough back story, back to today..
Mixology: Today I went on ahead and mixed my shea butter with some grape seed oil, VCO, tea tree oil and EVOO. I didn't do the double broiler method, I just put it in a pot and tuned it on the absolute lowest setting on the stove. After maybe 10 minutes or so it was all melted. I let it set in the refrigerator for maybe 2 hours or so. It is as smooth as 'buttah'. I love it! No more taking the shea and rubbing my hands together to warm it enough to melt! I'm ecstatic! When I go to the BSS I am going to try to pick up some different oils. I need to try to find a health food store and then I'll be set.


Regime: okay, today I discovered that my Cantu leave in has protein in it (sigh). I'm going to have to find a leave in without the added protein because I can really tell a difference now with using this MT. I do not need any other protein, well at least not in my daily moisturizer. I moisturize twice daily and I can tell that my hair is feeling not as soft since starting the MT. I'm on a mission to fix that before it gets any worse.

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