Thursday, November 19, 2009

Growth Update

a comic strip!
Here are the weekly pics for my growth update. I definitely notice added thickness. I'm happy with the progress overall.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Head Wraps

As we all know head wraps are not only a fashionable accessory, but also a very good way of protecting our hair from the elements. I've been watching tons of wrapping videos on YouTube. Here is one example of a simple bun wrap that I've been rocking.

a comic strip!

I want to experiment more with fabrics and different wraps. Stay tuned!

Update: 11/16/09

So, due to technical difficulties, it has a while since I've been able to upload any new photos. My regime is still the same as it's been the past few months. I am however considering the Curly Girl Method (CG Method) of no cones/no (low) poo. I'm moisturizing twice daily, and it seems my hair is just thirsty. It is rather frustrating, but I'm keeping the faith. Without further adieu, my current length shots...

a comic strip!

Monday, November 2, 2009


This weekend I made a trip to the beauty supply store and stocked up on items as well as added some new things to my regime. I bought, 1000 mcg Biotin pills, Vitamin E oil, Organics Olive Oil Deep Conditioner, Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner, some head wraps and satin scarves. I love my hair more and more everyday! Right now, I have been taking the Biotin once a day, I may up my intake, but I'm not much of a pill-taker. I'll keep you updated, and post pics of my product-porn soon! I'm sitting here DC'ing my hair as I type lol, I'll probably leave this in for an hour or so...until next time!