Thursday, November 19, 2009

Growth Update

a comic strip!
Here are the weekly pics for my growth update. I definitely notice added thickness. I'm happy with the progress overall.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Head Wraps

As we all know head wraps are not only a fashionable accessory, but also a very good way of protecting our hair from the elements. I've been watching tons of wrapping videos on YouTube. Here is one example of a simple bun wrap that I've been rocking.

a comic strip!

I want to experiment more with fabrics and different wraps. Stay tuned!

Update: 11/16/09

So, due to technical difficulties, it has a while since I've been able to upload any new photos. My regime is still the same as it's been the past few months. I am however considering the Curly Girl Method (CG Method) of no cones/no (low) poo. I'm moisturizing twice daily, and it seems my hair is just thirsty. It is rather frustrating, but I'm keeping the faith. Without further adieu, my current length shots...

a comic strip!

Monday, November 2, 2009


This weekend I made a trip to the beauty supply store and stocked up on items as well as added some new things to my regime. I bought, 1000 mcg Biotin pills, Vitamin E oil, Organics Olive Oil Deep Conditioner, Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner, some head wraps and satin scarves. I love my hair more and more everyday! Right now, I have been taking the Biotin once a day, I may up my intake, but I'm not much of a pill-taker. I'll keep you updated, and post pics of my product-porn soon! I'm sitting here DC'ing my hair as I type lol, I'll probably leave this in for an hour or so...until next time!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

2 Week Mega-Tek Update

Today marks my second full week of using MT, so I decided to post my update pics.

a comic strip!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The past few days have been full of co-washes, moisturizing and Mega-Tek. Today was actually the first day that I used MT all over my scalp instead of just in the problem areas. I also participated in the #Naturalhair chat on Twitter. I've been getting some good advice/tips and reviews so far. I plan on co-washing with Herbal Essences' Hello Hydration tonight. I can't wait to see how my hair responds to it. I hope it has better 'slip' than the Cantu' condish. We shall see.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

MT Week 1

Today marks one week of MT usage and I can tell a difference in the amount of hair that I have on my edges compared to before. Hopefully it's the MT working and not just my imagination. I also found MORE gray hairs in my head. Another thing is I'm not sure if it's scab hair or what, but the back right sight of my head has like bone straight hair. It's way to soon to determine any kind of hair texture. I know I'm probably 4 something or other. I won't worry about that now. I think I read somewhere that it could take up to a year or so after for your curl pattern to be defined enough to tell after going from relaxed to natural. Oh well, I'm loving my hair right now, it's so low maintenance! Here are this weeks MT pics compare to last weeks for comparison.

a comic strip!

a comic strip!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

TWA? and other random thoughts

Honestly today, I don't feel like doing anything with my hair. I applied my MT and some grape seed oil and a little Cantu Shea Butter Leave In and that's good enough. My hair is still so short, there's not much for me to do with it. It's not fade short, but I'm not sure if it qualifies as a TWA. Maybe a TWA mini/jr. (lol) I'm about to hit these hair forums hard today (LHCF and BHM) and find some inspiration. I'll blog again later.
REWIND: Okay, I see that I was in no mood to really blog this morning about my hair. I am in a better mood at the moment. Last night, I was combing through my hair and noticed a shimmer. At first I was like, 'oh this is just some lint or something'. Then, I combed through again and it was still there. I took the comb and parted my hair to try to see what in the world...OMG it was a GREY HAIR and attached to MY scalp. I started crying ya'll. My first grey baby (lol). I didn't pull it out either, I plan to let it grow as long as it wants to. Enough back story, back to today..
Mixology: Today I went on ahead and mixed my shea butter with some grape seed oil, VCO, tea tree oil and EVOO. I didn't do the double broiler method, I just put it in a pot and tuned it on the absolute lowest setting on the stove. After maybe 10 minutes or so it was all melted. I let it set in the refrigerator for maybe 2 hours or so. It is as smooth as 'buttah'. I love it! No more taking the shea and rubbing my hands together to warm it enough to melt! I'm ecstatic! When I go to the BSS I am going to try to pick up some different oils. I need to try to find a health food store and then I'll be set.


Regime: okay, today I discovered that my Cantu leave in has protein in it (sigh). I'm going to have to find a leave in without the added protein because I can really tell a difference now with using this MT. I do not need any other protein, well at least not in my daily moisturizer. I moisturize twice daily and I can tell that my hair is feeling not as soft since starting the MT. I'm on a mission to fix that before it gets any worse.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Sometime here in the next few hours, I need to get up and co-wash my hair and apply my MT. The day is just getting off to a slow start. I've been on YouTube early this morning looking for hair inspiration, mainly from people who have shaved their hair off instead of transitioning. I found a couple but not as many as I would have liked to seen. I'm going to keep looking though. It seems like everyone started their journey out with a nice sized TWA. I know there's some shaved heads in there somewhere. I may even melt my shea butter down with some oils today not quite sure about it yet, I'll get back to you on that one. Hopefully this weekend I can go to the BSS and get some products. I really want to try Hello Hydration or Totally Twisted from Herbal Essence.
Today I DC'd my hair and applied my MT. I didn't mix my shea butter, I'm still searching recipes, so that when I go to the BSS I can be sure to pick up all the supplies I'm going to need to mix some things.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My first Youtube Video 9/28/09 "The Big Clean Up"

This video was made the day that I decided to go through and clear out my cabinets of the weaves and creamy crack. Yet another liberating day of my journey thus far.

My Regime (10/18/09)

Since I am newly natural, I'm still in the process of figuring out what products work for my hair and what hair likes. Right now my current regime is still in  testing phase, but I haven't had any problems with the products that I'm currently using. I co-wash my hair every other day with Cantu' Shea Butter Rinse Out Conditioner, wash once a week with Infusium 23, Moisturize twice daily with Cantu' Shea Butter Leave In Conditioner mixed with EVOO, grape seed oil, EVCO, or tea tree oil. I also use unrefined shea butter in my hair several times weekly. There are a few produtcs that I would like to try but for now I'm content with how my hair responds with these products. I'm sure as  my hair continues to grow and change, so will my regime.

Introducing Mega-Tek

So, this past Thursday (October 15,2009), I received my MT (Mega-Tek) from I have been incorporating it everyday to my scalp in addition to my current hair regime. I researched MT for weeks and I've heard some great things about it. My major concern is the protein overload, but I am combating that currently with moisture, and not using any other proteins in my hair. With diligence and consistency I hope to see results. Wish me luck!

The Journey Begins

After years of neglect, over processing and heat damage, I decided to BC (big chop) my hair the beginning of September 2009. I had taken down a sew-in and was starring at myself in the mirror, at how dry and brittle and just overly damaged my hair was. My edges were paper thin and there was alot of breakage. I talked about BC'ing my hair with my husband a few months before, but never thought that I would have the courage to do so until that moment. I shaved...yes shaved my hair off to a very low fade or ceasar cut. From the first glide of the clippers I felt so liberated. This is the beginning of my love affair with myself. Learning to love me for who I am and getting to know myself. This journey is not just about hair. It's about transformation and growth, becoming a better person, a stronger woman.

a comic strip!